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2021 Favorites from Burkland's Blog for Startups & Investors

6 articles selected from our most read, most shared, and most relevant blog content during the past year.

As we get ready to head into 2022, Burkland is ending this year by looking back at six of our readers’ favorite blog posts from 2021. These articles are selected from the most read, most shared, and most relevant content on Burkland’s blog during the past year.

  1. Financial Benchmarks for SaaS Startups, a Self-Assessment Tool
    Wondering how your SaaS startup compares to others? Find out with our Financial Benchmarks for SaaS Startups Table.
  2. The QSBS Tax Exemption – Don’t Miss Out
    The QSBS Tax Exemption may allow you to exclude up to $10 million of gain when you sell a stake in a qualified startup or small business.
  3. Surviving Due Diligence, Part 2: Employee vs. Contractor
    Misclassification of employees and independent contractors is one of the most common pitfalls startups face during a due diligence process.
  4. Improving Diversity in the Venture Capital Landscape with Diversity VC
    Diversity VC joined our podcast to discuss ways venture capital firms can embrace and implement policies for a more equitable future.
  5. Strategic HR for Startups: Wins to Focus on Right Now
    A discussion about the strategic HR and People Operations policies startups should pursue in today’s challenging work environment.
  6. The 3 Ps of Revenue Quality for SaaS Startups
    Predictability, profitability, and plurality are crucial indicators of revenue quality for an early-stage SaaS business.

2021 was another unprecedented year for venture-backed startups and their investors. Nobody knows quite what 2022 has in store, but Burkland is ready to help our clients navigate the expected and unexpected twists and turns of scaling a startup.