Miles Mason, a Memphis divorce attorney, has a great article on his blog called Grab the Documents: What Spouses Need to Copy for Divorce Lawyers. Divorcing spouses always wonder what documents they need to take, and the list provided by Miles is a great roadmap. Read the article for details and descriptions on each item, but below is the basic list.

Documents are going to include both paper and digital records. If you have access to any bank, credit card, or investment accounts online, it’s advisable to go into the accounts and download all available statements and supporting documentation. Do it right away in case you lose access to that account later.

  1. Financial statements
  2. Income tax returns
  3. Pay statements
  4. Bank account information
  5. Brokerage account statements
  6. Loan applications.
  7. Business ownership records
  8. Resumes
  9. Internet history, e-mails, and instant messaging records
  10. Stock options
  11. Pension plans, profit-sharing plans, deferred compensation agreements, and retirement plans
  12. Credit card statements
  13. Other debts
  14. Insurance
  15. Real estate
  16. Personal property
  17. Employment records, contracts, and explanations of benefits
  18. Wills, living wills, powers of attorney, and trust agreements
  19. Membership agreements or contracts
  20. Lawsuits and judgments
  21. Gifts and charitable contributions
  22. Medical records
  23. Cellular phone, home telephone, and long-distance charges
  24. Inventory of safe deposit boxes or in-home safes
  25. Tapes, letters, e-mails, and photos
  26. Notes or agreements
  27. Calendars
  28. Intellectual property
  29. Fault

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