November 11th is celebrated as Veteran’s Day, and along with Memorial Day, it is a solemn remembrance of the brave people who served in our armed forces to protect the freedoms and way of life we benefit from and enjoy.

This year, two brave men that I was friends with passed away. Both served and fought in World War II in Europe, and both led exemplary lives. Arnold Dorfman passed away last week at age 99. The other was Sidney Kess, who passed away in September at age 97.

I have known Arnold since the early 1980s and Sidney since the mid-1960s when I was one of over one million attendees of his tax education programs. Both were productive, bright, focused, engaged, and alert to the very end, living enriched lives that touched many people.

I recently read a book about the friendship of John Glenn and Ted Williams, Wingmen by Adam Lazarus, who met during service in the Korean War. Glenn was a career officer, but Williams, who was a two-time triple crown winner at the pinnacle of his career, was called back to duty. This had me recall other great baseball players similarly called back to service. These included Joe DiMaggio, Hank Greenberg, and Willie Mays, who all disrupted Hall of Fame careers to serve our country. They, along with everyone who ever served in the United States armed forces, are true heroes and need to be blessed by us not only on Veteran’s Day but every day for the sacrifices they made serving us. I might also include all first responders who likewise put their lives in harm’s way every day and those presently serving in the armed forces of our country.

The United States of America means something and represents something great. Today, too many of our elected leaders, and others in positions of authority lose sight of the principles on which America was built that have sustained our nation for hundreds of years. As a people, we must protect the freedom, safety, and justice we hold dear and not let ourselves be blinded by unsustainable, illusory gains. I do, however, have hope that the many people living here acknowledge the grand presence of America and truly value and are grateful for the sacrifices of our veterans, first responders and everyone presently serving our country. God Bless them and the memories of those who died in our service.
God Bless America!

Additional information about the baseball players is in an earlier blog.

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