Financial Services Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Report

Stay Ahead of the Cybercriminals 

We are amid a national crisis as cyberattacks continue to target all sectors, including organizations in the financial services sector. At Withum, we believe that together we can level the playing field with cybercriminals – and one way to ensure that your defenses are one step ahead of your attacker is to utilize threat intelligence to build your defenses.

This report aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the top cyber threats to financial services and ways to combat them.

  • Recent cyber attacks on financial institutions and cybercriminals' tactics to compromise your most critical assets.
  • The vulnerable areas of your infrastructure so that decisions on staffing and resources can be prioritized correctly.
  • Top cyber threat mitigation tactics for your organization this year.



Only 43% of businesses feel financially prepared to face a cyber-attack in 2023.



The U.S. has experienced 90% more ransomware attacks this year than the U.K.



Over 22% of all cyber-attacks leveraged one or more vulnerabilities during an infiltration.

Contact Us

For more information on this topic, please contact a member of Withum’s Cybersecurity team.

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