Starting a business involves having an idea to do or make something that people would pay for or buy, getting organized, carrying it out, making sure you are adequately capitalized, promoting, marketing and selling your product or service and pricing it right, establishing a back office and infrastructure, setting up the right tax entity and making the right initial binding tax elections, developing a website and e-commerce store, setting up a banking and credit card relationship and 50 other things you need to consider.

This Thursday, I will be presenting a webinar on How to Start a Business. The program will explain how to get started, but it will also have some tips for those already in business. These tips for things that are sometimes overlooked while trying to run a business could be a wake-up call.

This program will help people who are thinking about starting a one-person business or consulting practice as well as someone that is trying to get angel investors or raise private equity. Included will be some insider tips I learned from over 2000 clients that I helped start businesses, including some tips from some of the most famous businesspeople in the world. The PowerPoint slides will contain a thorough checklist and will be distributed to all attendees.

The free program will be presented on Thursday, March 17, at Noon on Zoom. The program is sponsored by the East Brunswick Public Library and Withum. It is free, but you must register to attend. Here is a link:

For those that do not know me, I am an emeritus partner at Withum, an adjunct professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University and Baruch College and one of Accounting Today’s Top 100 Most Influential People. I am also accredited as a personal financial specialist by the AICPA and the author of 29 books.

I hope to “see” you there.

Contact Us

If you have any tax, business, financial or leadership or management issues you want to discuss please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or click here.