On Saturday, synagogues all over the world will be reading The Ten Commandments from the Torah. That is in chapter 20 of Exodus. In that same portion, as a prelude we read chapters 18 and 19. This blog is not a Bible lesson but a lesson in managing and delegating, and I thought of it because for me, there was a timely reminder.

Verses 18 to 25 of chapter 18 describe how Jethro teaches Moses to delegate and I want to share it here. A key to success as a leader is the ability to delegate and also to focus your attention on the really important issues while others working under you handle all that they can, and are empowered by you to do so.

Delegating is a method of leveraging your talents, ability, knowledge and experience. It is also a way to have others grow and be able to better handle people reporting to them as well as customers. And from what I’ve seen, growth comes from everyone in the organization working at their most effective level while being given the authority to do so. Another key part of leadership is to permit those reporting to you to make decisions and to occasionally make mistakes. People that don’t make mistakes do not take risks or venture beyond their comfort zones and no growth ever comes from stagnation or something that is frozen. Delegating also is an antidote for micromanaging and is a way for the leader to not get worn out by getting too involved in the mechanic of everything that goes on.

Another way of growing is to have an open mind and be willing to learn from anyone that has (or even might have) a better idea. Moses did not shut himself off from learning, and he grabbed hold of what Jethro taught him.

This is a 3300-year-old lesson, and is still applicable today but unfortunately is still new for too many people.

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