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Our New TechCrunch Article on R&D Tax Credit Resources for Startups

R&D Tax Credit resources for startups including a tax credit calculator and a link to Burkland’s new article on TechCrunch.

Burkland’s Managing Director, Tax Practice, Ardy Esmaeili, CPA contributed an article to TechCrunch this month; What US Startup Founders Need to Know About the R&D Tax Credit.

Our tax team has extensive experience with tax credits for startups, and in the past year Burkland clients received over $10M in R&D tax credits. We’re always happy to share out knowledge on this topic.

Also see these R&D Tax Credit resources for startups:

  1. Does My Startup Qualify for R&D Tax Credit?
    Many startups are almost guaranteed to qualify for R&D Tax credits like those in engineering, physics, biochemistry, medical, hard sciences, computer sciences, or mathematics. But many startups in less obvious sectors can also qualify for the credits.
  2. R&D Tax Credit Calculator
    Certain startup businesses may be eligible for up to $250,000 in payroll tax savings per year — and they may not even be aware of it. Find out in a few seconds if your startup could be one of them.

Other Helpful Tax Resources for Startups

  1. 2022 Tax Deadlines for Startups
    Tax deadlines for startups in 2022 including federal filing dates and key dates for San Francisco, New York, and Seattle.
  2. 8 Common Startup Tax Mistakes to Avoid
    Startup tax mistakes can become costly distractions, but they’re easy to avoid with a little time and attention.
  3. Tax Preparation Cost Calculator
    How much should tax preparation cost my startup business this year?