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How to Forecast Revenue for Your SaaS Startup

An e-book that outlines two approaches for forecasting SaaS revenue: a tops-down trendline approach and a bottoms-up revenue driver approach.

Forecasting revenue for a SaaS company is complicated. It requires an understanding of a company’s annual recurring revenue (ARR) and how it will grow over time due to the acquisition of new customers and the expansion and retention of existing customers.

Burkland has partnered with subscription management software company SaasOptics to write an e-book that outlines two approaches for forecasting SaaS revenue:

  1. Tops-down trendline approach
  2. Bottoms-up revenue driver approach

We provide a practical, step-by-step guide to each of these SaaS revenue forecasting methodologies and also outline the considerations when choosing your forecasting approach.

Download the Burkland and SaaS Optics – Guide to Revenue Forecasting