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SaaS Finance Toolkit Updates for 2023

New industry research, planning templates, eBooks, podcasts, and articles to help SaaS startups plan and scale their financial operations.

Burkland’s finance toolkit for SaaS startups is a curated collection of tools to help SaaS startups scale confidently and efficiently. We first launched the toolkit before the current economic downturn, and since then, a lot has changed in the startup world. Companies are seeing lower valuations, the fundraising market is much tighter, and performance benchmarks are generally more subdued across the board.

We recently updated our SaaS toolkit with new data that reflects the state of the SaaS industry in 2023. Two standout reports for financial and operational benchmarks are the B2B SaaS Metrics Benchmark 2023 Report from Benchmarkit.ai, and the 2023 SaaS Benchmarks Report from OpenView Partners. For the latest on company valuations, SaaS Capital updated their framework for valuing a SaaS company last year, and provided an update on SaaS company valuations in 2023.

Other SaaS Toolkit Highlights

In addition to the latest industry research, Burkland’s SaaS Toolkit also offers links to valuable planning templates, blog articles, and podcasts for SaaS startups. Current highlights include:

  • A new deferred revenue template to help SaaS startups manage cash flow and ensure their financial statements accurately reflect the company’s position.
  • SaaS Metrics Simplified, a podcast episode exploring the top ten SaaS metrics, including how often to track each, and which metrics are most relevant by growth stage.
  • The Complete Guide to SaaS Revenue Modeling, an eBook that outlines two approaches for forecasting SaaS revenue: tops-down and bottoms-up.

A lot has changed in the SaaS world in the last couple of years. Despite the economic downturn and slower growth, the sector remains strong, innovative, and exciting. Burkland will continue to share new data and insights as they become available, via our SaaS finance toolkit and blog articles. Every day our SaaS team helps hundreds of SaaS startups across the USA with strategic financial support, bookkeeping, accounting, tax, and people operations. Contact us to request more information.