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Our New TechCrunch Article on Remote Work Laws & Tax Guidelines for Startups

Important information on remote work laws and tax guidelines for startups, featuring a link to Burkland's new article on TechCrunch.

Burkland’s Managing Director, Tax Practice, Ardy Esmaeili, CPA contributed an article to TechCrunch this month; Starting up remotely? Keep these labor laws and tax guidelines in mind.

Our team has extensive experience with remote work laws and tax guidelines for startups. The topic has taken on increased prominence as many startups have begun to offer remote and hybrid work policies for their employees since the start of the pandemic. We’re always happy to share out knowledge on this important topic.

Also see these remote work resources for startups:

  1. Is “Remote-First” the Future of Work for Startups?
    Surveys show new levels of productivity and employee happiness attributed to working from home and remote-first work policies.
  2. Legal, Tax & Culture Implications of Remote Work at Startups
    Some startups have been blindsided by the ramifications of letting teams work from anywhere and everywhere. Here’s what you need to know.
  3. Tax Implications Created by Remote Workers
    Remote work has benefits for both employees and employers. Just be sure you don’t overlook these important tax implications created by remote workers.
  4. Remote Work – Look Before You Leap
    As states begin to open up, many companies have announced they will continue with an all-remote workforce. But is remote work a good idea for startups?

Burkland’s Tax and People Operations teams are available to help with state registrations and other people compliance matters related to remote work. Contact us to request more information.